molecupy.exceptions (Exceptions)

molecuPy custom exceptions.

exception molecupy.exceptions.LongBondWarning[source]

The warning issued if a covalent bond is made between two atoms that is unrealistically long.

exception molecupy.exceptions.NoAtomsError[source]

The exception raised if an atomic structure is created without passing any atoms.

exception molecupy.exceptions.NoResiduesError[source]

The exception raised if a residuic structure is created without passing any residues.

exception molecupy.exceptions.MultipleResidueConnectionError[source]

The exception raised when a residue connection is made to a residue which is already connected to a residue in that fashion.

exception molecupy.exceptions.BrokenHelixError[source]

The exception raised when an alpha helix is created with residues on different chains.

exception molecupy.exceptions.BrokenStrandError[source]

The exception raised when a beta strand is created with residues on different chains.

exception molecupy.exceptions.DuplicateAtomsError[source]

The exception raised if an atomic structure is created with two atoms of the same atom_id.

exception molecupy.exceptions.DuplicateSmallMoleculesError[source]

The exception raised if a Model is given a small molecule when there is already a small molecule with that molecule_id.

exception molecupy.exceptions.DuplicateResiduesError[source]

The exception raised if a residuic structure is created with two residues of the same residue_id.

exception molecupy.exceptions.DuplicateChainsError[source]

The exception raised if a Model is given a chain when there is already a chain with that chain_id.

exception molecupy.exceptions.DuplicateBindSitesError[source]

The exception raised if a Model is given a bindsite when there is already a site with that site_id.

exception molecupy.exceptions.DuplicateComplexesError[source]

The exception raised if a Model is given a Complex when there is already a Complex with that complex_id.

exception molecupy.exceptions.InvalidPdbCodeError[source]

The exception raised when a PDB file is requested that does not seem to exist.