Source code for molecupy.pdb.pdbfile

"""This module is used to provide a container to the PDB file itself and its
records - but not the data contained within them."""

[docs]class PdbRecord: """Represents the lines, or 'records' in a PDB file. Indexing a ``PdbRecord`` will get the equivalent slice of the record text, only stripped, and converted to ``int`` or ``float`` if possible. Empty sub-strings will return ``None``. :param str text: The raw text of the record. :param PdbFile pdb_file: Optional: a :py:class:`.PdbFile` that the record should be associated with.""" def __init__(self, text, pdb_file=None): if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError("PdbRecord text must be str, not '%s'" % str(text)) if len(text) == 0: raise ValueError("PdbRecord cannot be created wiyh empty string") expanded_text = text[:80] if len(text) >= 80 else text + (" " * (80 - len(text))) self._text = expanded_text self._name = expanded_text[:6].strip() self._content = expanded_text[6:] if pdb_file is not None and not isinstance(pdb_file, PdbFile): raise TypeError("pdb_file text must be PdbFile, not '%s'" % str(pdb_file)) self._pdb_file = pdb_file def __repr__(self): if self.number(): return "<PdbRecord %i (%s)>" % (self.number(), self._name) else: return "<PdbRecord (%s)>" % self._name def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._text def __getitem__(self, key): chunk = self._text[key].strip() if not chunk: return None if chunk.count(".") == 1: try: return float(chunk) except ValueError: pass try: return int(chunk) except ValueError: return chunk
[docs] def get_as_string(self, start, end): """Indexing a record will automatically convert the value to an integer or float if it can - using this method instead will force it to return a string. :param int start: The start of the subsection. :param int end: The end of the subsection. :rtype: ``str``""" splice = self[start:end] return str(splice) if splice is not None else None
[docs] def number(self): """The record's line number in its associated :py:class:`.PdbFile`. If there is no file associated, this will return ``None``. :rtype: ``int``""" if self._pdb_file: return self._pdb_file.records().index(self) + 1 else: return None
[docs] def name(self, name=None): """The record's name (the first six characters). If a string value is supplied, the name will be set to the new value, and the text will also be updated. :param str name: (optional) A new name to change to. :rtype: ``str``""" if name: if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Record name must be str, not '%s'" % str(name)) if len(name) > 6: raise ValueError( "Record name must be <= 6 chars, which '%s' is not" % name ) self._name = name self._text = "%-6s%s" % (self._name, self._content) else: return self._name
[docs] def content(self, content=None): """The record's text exlcuding the first six characters. If a string value is supplied, the content will be set to the new value, and the text will also be updated. :param str content: (optional) A new content to change to. :rtype: ``str``""" if content: if not isinstance(content, str): raise TypeError( "Record content must be str, not '%s'" % str(content) ) if len(content) > 74: raise ValueError( "Record content must be <= 74 chars, which '%s' is not" % content ) self._content = content + (" " * (74 - len(content))) self._text = "%-6s%s" % (self._name, self._content) else: return self._content
[docs] def text(self, text=None): """The record's text, extended to 80 characters. If a string value is supplied, the text will be set to the new value, and the name and content will also be updated. :param str text: (optional) A new text to change to. :rtype: ``str``""" if text: if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError( "Record text must be str, not '%s'" % str(text) ) if len(text) > 80: raise ValueError( "Record text must be <= 80 chars, which '%s' is not" % text ) self._text = text + (" " * (80 - len(text))) self._name = self._text[:6].strip() self._content = self._text[6:] else: return self._text
[docs] def pdb_file(self, pdb_file=None): """The :py:class:`.PdbFile` that the record is associated with. This method can update the associated file by passing a :py:class:`.PdbFile` to it. :param PdbFile pdb_file: (optional) A new :py:class:`.PdbFile` to set. :rtype: ``PdbFile``""" if pdb_file: if not isinstance(pdb_file, PdbFile): raise TypeError( "pdb_file text must be PdbFile, not '%s'" % str(pdb_file) ) self._pdb_file = pdb_file else: return self._pdb_file
[docs]class PdbFile: """A PDB File - a representation of the file itself, with no processing of the data it contains (other than reading record names from the start of each line). :param str file_string: The raw text of a PDB file.""" def __init__(self, file_string=""): self._source = "".join([ char for char in file_string if 32 <= ord(char) <= 126 or char=="\n" ]) if file_string else None self._records = [ PdbRecord(line, self) for line in self._source.split("\n") if line ] if file_string else [] def __repr__(self): return "<PdbFile (%i Records)>" % len(self._records) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.records() def __len__(self): return len(self.records())
[docs] def source(self): """The object from which this PdbFile was created.""" return self._source
[docs] def records(self): """A list of :py:class:`PdbRecord` objects. :returns: list of :py:class:`PdbRecord` objects.""" return self._records[:]
[docs] def get_record_by_name(self, record_name): """Gets the first :py:class:`PdbRecord` of a given name. :param str record_name: record name to search by. :rtype: :py:class:`PdbRecord` or ``None`` if there is no match.""" if not isinstance(record_name, str): raise TypeError( "Can only search for record by str, not '%s'" % str(record_name) ) for record in self.records(): if == record_name: return record
[docs] def get_records_by_name(self, record_name): """Gets all :py:class:`PdbRecord` objects of a given name. :param str record_name: record name to search by. :returns: ``list`` of :py:class:`PdbRecord` objects.""" if not isinstance(record_name, str): raise TypeError( "Can only search for records by str, not '%s'" % str(record_name) ) return [record for record in self.records() if == record_name]
[docs] def add_record(self, record): """Adds a :py:class:`PdbRecord` to the end of the list of records. :param PdbRecord record: The :py:class:`PdbRecord` to add.""" if not isinstance(record, PdbRecord): raise TypeError( "Can only add PdbRecord objects to PdbFiles, not '%s'" % str(record) ) self._records.append(record) record.pdb_file(self)
[docs] def remove_record(self, record): """Removes a :py:class:`PdbRecord` from the list of records. :param PdbRecord record: The :py:class:`PdbRecord` to remove.""" if not isinstance(record, PdbRecord): raise TypeError( "Can only remove PdbRecord objects from PdbFiles, not '%s'" % str(record) ) self._records.remove(record) record._pdb_file = None
[docs] def convert_to_string(self): """Converts the PdbFile to a string, that can be written to file.""" lines = [record.text() for record in self.records()] return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def to_pdb_data_file(self): """Converts the PdbFile to a :py:class:`.PdbDataFile`.""" from ..converters.pdbfile2pdbdatafile import pdb_data_file_from_pdb_file return pdb_data_file_from_pdb_file(self)