Source code for molecupy.converters.pdbdatafile2pdbfile

"""This module handles the logic of converting a :py:class:`.PdbDataFile` to a

import math
from ..pdb.pdbfile import PdbFile, PdbRecord
from ..pdb.pdbdatafile import PdbDataFile

[docs]def pdb_file_from_pdb_data_file(data_file): """Takes a :py:class:`.PdbDataFile`, converts it to a :py:class:`.PdbFile`, and returns it. :param PdbDataFile data_file: The :py:class:`.PdbDataFile` to convert. :rtype: :py:class:`.PdbFile`""" if not isinstance(data_file, PdbDataFile): raise TypeError( "pdb_file_from_pdb_data_file can only convert PdbDataFiles" ) pdb_file = PdbFile() pdb_file._source = data_file create_compnd_records(pdb_file, data_file) create_atom_records(pdb_file, data_file) create_atom_records(pdb_file, data_file, hetero=True) create_conect_records(pdb_file, data_file) return pdb_file
[docs]def create_compnd_records(pdb_file, data_file): """Takes a :py:class:`.PdbFile` and creates COMPND records in it based on the data in the provided :py:class:`.PdbDataFile` :param PdbFile pdb_file: the PDB File to update. :param PdbDataFile data_file: The source Pdb Data File""" lines = [] for compound in data_file.compounds(): segments = [] if "MOL_ID" in compound: segments.append("MOL_ID: %s;" % str(compound["MOL_ID"])) if "MOLECULE" in compound: segments.append("MOLECULE: %s;" % str(compound["MOLECULE"])) if "CHAIN" in compound: segments.append("CHAIN: %s;" % ", ".join(compound["CHAIN"])) if "SYNONYM" in compound: segments.append("SYNONYM: %s;" % ", ".join(compound["SYNONYM"])) if "EC" in compound: segments.append("EC: %s;" % str(compound["EC"])) if "ENGINEERED" in compound: segments.append( "ENGINEERED: %s;" % "YES" if compound["ENGINEERED"] else "NO" ) for segment in segments: if len(segment) <= 69: lines.append(segment) else: chunks = segment.split(" ")[::-1] growing_line = "" while chunks: chunk = chunks.pop() if len(growing_line + chunk) > 69: lines.append(growing_line) growing_line = chunk + " " else: growing_line += chunk + " " if not chunks: lines.append(growing_line) for index, line in enumerate(lines): pdb_file.add_record(PdbRecord("COMPND %s%s" % ( str(index + 1).rjust(3) + " " if index != 0 else " ", line )))
[docs]def create_atom_records(pdb_file, data_file, hetero=False): """Takes a :py:class:`.PdbFile` and creates ATOM and HETATM records in it based on the data in the provided :py:class:`.PdbDataFile` :param PdbFile pdb_file: the PDB File to update. :param PdbDataFile data_file: The source Pdb Data File :param bool hetero: if True, the function will create HETATM records, and\ if False, ATOM records will be created. Default is False.""" atoms = data_file.heteroatoms() if hetero else data_file.atoms() for atom in atoms: record_fragments = [] record_fragments.append("HETATM" if hetero else "ATOM ") record_fragments.append("%5i" % atom["atom_id"] + " ") record_fragments.append("%-4s" % atom["atom_name"][:4]) record_fragments.append(atom["alt_loc"][0] if atom["alt_loc"] else " ") record_fragments.append( atom["residue_name"][0:3] + " " if atom["residue_name"] else " " ) record_fragments.append( atom["chain_id"][0] if atom["chain_id"] else " " ) record_fragments.append( ("%4i" % atom["residue_id"]) if atom["residue_id"] else " " ) record_fragments.append( atom["insert_code"][0] + " " if atom["insert_code"] else " " ) record_fragments.append(_number_to_8_char_string(atom["x"])) record_fragments.append(_number_to_8_char_string(atom["y"])) record_fragments.append(_number_to_8_char_string(atom["z"])) record_fragments.append(_number_to_6_char_string(atom["occupancy"])) record_fragments.append( _number_to_6_char_string(atom["temperature_factor"]) ) record_fragments.append(" " * 10) record_fragments.append("%-2s" % atom["element"]) record_fragments.append( ("%-2i" % atom["charge"]) if atom["charge"] else " " ) pdb_file.add_record(PdbRecord("".join(record_fragments)))
[docs]def create_conect_records(pdb_file, data_file): """Takes a :py:class:`.PdbFile` and creates CONECT records in it based on the data in the provided :py:class:`.PdbDataFile` :param PdbFile pdb_file: the PDB File to update. :param PdbDataFile data_file: The source Pdb Data File""" for connection in data_file.connections(): record_count = math.ceil(len(connection["bonded_atoms"]) / 4) for n in range(record_count): pdb_file.add_record(PdbRecord("CONECT%5i%5s%5s%5s%5s" % ( connection["atom_id"], str(connection["bonded_atoms"][(n * 4)])\ if (n * 4) < len(connection["bonded_atoms"]) else "", str(connection["bonded_atoms"][(n * 4) + 1]) if (n * 4) + 1 < len(connection["bonded_atoms"]) else "", str(connection["bonded_atoms"][(n * 4) + 2]) if (n * 4) + 2 < len(connection["bonded_atoms"]) else "", str(connection["bonded_atoms"][(n * 4) + 3]) if (n * 4) + 3 < len(connection["bonded_atoms"]) else "" )))
def _number_to_8_char_string(number): return _number_to_n_char_string(number, 8) def _number_to_6_char_string(number): return _number_to_n_char_string(number, 6) def _number_to_n_char_string(number, n): if number is None: return " " * n else: number = round(number, n) int_component = str(int(number)) if number < 0 and int_component[0] != "-": int_component = "-" + int_component float_component = number - int(number) if len(int_component) >= 6 or float_component == 0 or "e" in str(float_component): float_component = ".0" else: float_component = str(round(float_component, (n - 1) - len(int_component))) if float_component[0] == "1": float_component = ".0" int_component = str(int(int_component) + 1) else: float_component = "." + float_component.split(".")[-1] return (int_component + float_component).ljust(n)