Source code for molecupy.converters.model2pdbdatafile

"""This module handles the logic of converting a :py:class:`.Model` to a

from ..pdb.pdbdatafile import PdbDataFile
from ..structures.molecules import Residue, SmallMolecule
from ..structures.models import Model

[docs]def pdb_data_file_from_model(model): """Takes a :py:class:`.Model`, converts it to a :py:class:`.PdbdataFile`, and returns it. :param Model model: The :py:class:`.Model` to convert. :rtype: :py:class:`.PdbDataFile`""" if not isinstance(model, Model): raise TypeError("pdb_data_file_from_model can only convert Models") data_file = PdbDataFile() data_file._source = model add_complexes_to_data_file(data_file, model) add_atoms_to_data_file(data_file, model) add_connections_to_data_file(data_file, model) return data_file
[docs]def add_complexes_to_data_file(data_file, model): """Takes a :py:class:`.PdbDataFile` and updates its compounds based on the complexes in the provided :py:class:`.Model` :param PdbDataFile data_file: the PDB Data File to update. :param PdbDataFile model: The source Model""" for complex_ in sorted(list(model.complexes()), key=lambda k: k.complex_id()): data_file.compounds().append({ "MOL_ID": int(complex_.complex_id()), "MOLECULE": complex_.complex_name(), "CHAIN": sorted([chain.chain_id() for chain in complex_.chains()]) })
[docs]def add_atoms_to_data_file(data_file, model): """Takes a :py:class:`.PdbDataFile` and updates its atoms and heteroatoms based on the atoms in the provided :py:class:`.Model` :param PdbDataFile data_file: the PDB Data File to update. :param PdbDataFile model: The source Model""" for atom in sorted(list(model.atoms()), key=lambda k: k.atom_id()): residue_name, chain_id, residue_id, insert = None, None, None, None if atom.molecule(): if isinstance(atom.molecule(), Residue): residue_name = atom.molecule().residue_name() residue_id = atom.molecule().residue_id()[1:] chain_id = atom.molecule().residue_id()[0] if atom.molecule().residue_id()[-1].isalpha(): insert = atom.molecule().residue_id()[-1] residue_id = atom.molecule().residue_id()[1:-1] elif isinstance(atom.molecule(), SmallMolecule): residue_name = atom.molecule().molecule_name() residue_id = atom.molecule().molecule_id()[1:] chain_id = atom.molecule().molecule_id()[0] if atom.molecule().molecule_id()[-1].isalpha(): insert = atom.molecule().molecule_id()[-1] residue_id = atom.molecule().molecule_id()[1:-1] residue_id = int(residue_id) atom_dict = { "atom_id": atom.atom_id(), "atom_name": atom.atom_name(), "alt_loc": None, "residue_name": residue_name, "chain_id": chain_id, "residue_id": residue_id, "insert_code": insert, "x": atom.x(), "y": atom.y(), "z": atom.z(), "occupancy": 1.0, "temperature_factor": 0.0, "element": atom.element(), "charge": None, "model_id": 1 } if atom.molecule() and isinstance(atom.molecule(), Residue): data_file.atoms().append(atom_dict) else: data_file.heteroatoms().append(atom_dict)
[docs]def add_connections_to_data_file(data_file, model): """Takes a :py:class:`.PdbDataFile` and updates its connections based on the bonds in the provided :py:class:`.Model` :param PdbDataFile data_file: the PDB Data File to update. :param PdbDataFile model: The source Model""" for molecule in sorted(list(model.small_molecules()), key=lambda k: k.molecule_id()): for atom in sorted(list(molecule.atoms()), key=lambda k: k.atom_id()): other_atoms = sorted(list(atom.bonded_atoms()), key=lambda k: k.atom_id()) connection = { "atom_id": atom.atom_id(), "bonded_atoms": [atom.atom_id() for atom in other_atoms] } data_file.connections().append(connection)